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A Driven Vision to Goal-Setting #visionboard #traineediaries

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”

Audre Lorde

What kind of day has it been? Or rather, what kind of year has it been so far?

For me, it has been a year of learning what endurance is, what it means to listen to my gut and to not be afraid of taking steps towards my personal happiness, to make decisions that will ultimately allow me to thrive.

One of the organisations that I have joined this year and that has given me immense personal development and support for my goals is the Driven Woman network, the Dublin group led by Katrin Sturm, a fantastic life and professional coach and founder of The Best Possible You, who is also a dear friend from Junior Chamber International Dublin.

I will say at this stage that for anyone who has been reading my posts, I can safely say that JCI has been a positive golden thread running through my personal development and has opened many doors for me in my life. But I digress: today's post is all about Driven Woman and their wonderful group workshops.

The most recent workshop on the 23rd June was focused around the very important theme of goal-setting and creating a personal vision board in an online format using the design website, Canva .

It is always beneficial to reassess goals and where the personal and professional journey is heading, for it has to be agreed, that this year has certainly thrown a spanner in the works for many driven and ambitious people for reasons outside of control.

As I am coming up to that all important date of qualification, of no longer being a trainee but someone held accountable for all my actions and to be a trusted representative for clients, that prospect is quite daunting.

It could be easy to simply trudge over that finish line, exhausted and world-weary, to not be excited for what comes next if I am filled with dread and worry, focusing on shortcomings rather than cultivating my strengths.

It was therefore important to nurture all areas of my life, not just the professional career, but all else beyond, to remember that anyone is made up of a sum of many parts.

There are many things that I am passionate about, that drive me forward and give me that much needed sense of fulfillment, and all that was channeled into the creation of my personal vision board.

So with Katrin's guidance and the combined energy of the group members, here is what I came up with:-

I will be the first to admit that graphic design is not my strong suit, but I chose each image and word while genuinely listening to my heart and mind, not over-thinking or allowing pre-conceived notions of what I ought to be doing to hold me back, inspired by the wonderful stories of the women who joined the group that night and Katrin's assured, calm leadership.

Here is the breakdown of the images and words, which all struck me with inspiration in the moments during creation:

  • The high heels in the upper most left corner represent my wanting to be glamourous, to channel fashion icons, to echo my mother's own sense of style and to make my own elegant style.

  • The apartment represents my goal of owning my own studio apartment someday with the money I earn through my career, to have a space of my own to live and create in.

  • The ballerina represents my love of dance and my goal to continue to practice barre and Zumba, as well as wanting to dance for my fitness and personal enjoyment.

  • The stylised photo at the top of the board in the centre with the notebook laptop, flowers, notebook and candle represents my goal to have a beautiful workspace for my creativity to flourish, while writing this blog as well as any other personal writing projects in future.

  • The golden gavel represents what I hope to achieve in the law, to practice as a respected professional, to be diligent, honest, and a worthy representative for my clients in an area that I am passionate about, as well as my path to becoming a certified mediator.

  • The woman at the ocean with the sun setting represents my goals surrounding yoga, to find inner peace through meditation and to face stress with a calm, clear head.

  • The photograph of the single red heart amid the scores of darker ones at the bottom of the board signifies my desire to remember what empathy means and how kindness is a transforming force, to remember that kindness is not a weakness.

  • The open book signifies my goal to publish a book one day, either about my journey to becoming a solicitor or a work of fiction.

  • The selfie at the bottom right symbolises what I hope to become: a calm, poised and attentive solicitor.

  • In the middle of the board are several words that came to mind of what I want to embody in my life, one of which includes the hashtag for Junior Chamber International Dublin, '#BeBetter', which I strive to do in my career and my personal development. With that specific hashtag, I want to be better as a volunteer, as a JCI member, and continue to support causes that I believe in, such as the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, Pieta House and Womens Aid. I will also apply myself to volunteering with the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre at a later date, as due to timing conflicts and the enforced lockdown, I was not able to complete my application back in the Spring. It is a cause I very much believe in and want to have a more hands-on approach with those issues facing women, who I may very well represent in a court or mediation setting one day.

  • 'Commitment' copper fastens my resolve to stay true to my vision and to my goals.

  • 'Creativity' was always a rejuvenating force in my life, be it through writing, playing music or experimenting with graphic design like this vision board.

  • 'Joy' is an emotion I hope to channel into all aspects of my life, through my relationships, my pastimes and my work. Not that I expect life to be sunshine and rainbows: there needs to be rain in order for the sun to shine again.

  • 'Dedication' has always been a word and a theme for my work ethic, to be able to dedicate myself to the study of law, to being a passionate volunteer, a consistent writer. This is something I want to continue to strive for.

  • Finally, my word for this year is 'resilient', which can work on many levels, be it in terms of the pandemic restrictions, of coping with work stress, grieving a much beloved family pet, and even in the face of injustice across the ocean and right here at home. To be resilient and to find my own inner strength was its own journey, and one I hope to continue beyond this year.

In sharing this vision board with you, my readers and any colleagues and friends in my life, I am holding myself accountable as well as making it all the more real by telling an audience all about these goals and dreams.

Some may come true, and some may not. But anyone can make the effort and strive to at least make those first important steps despite the overwhelming doubt and expectations and imposter syndrome knocking at the door.

I would recommend anyone who finds they work well with visuals and who may be struggling with their own goals to give a vision board a try. It is entirely personal, as well as a fun, creative exercise and serves as a reminder of what you can truly achieve and what is entirely possible.

Thank you to Katrin and Driven Woman for giving me the chance to express this vision and make it even more of a reality.

You can find out more about the Driven Woman community on their website linked below, with articles, resources, free webinars and a chance to become a member in your own area.

You can also find out about Katrin's amazing work on her website, 'The Best Possible You' and follow her on social media on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

Thank you for reading.

The Best Possible You:

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